your faceless hands will not work here / your wings will not work here either / every impossible
silence / is an oil spill of scream / i can pretend to be deaf / but i can still hear the blood / that
pulsing uncaged scent / spreading like the silver lust of spring / the map to why my heart beats
for broken things // how metal can reinvent itself through violence / how glass can explode /
fracture into a sheet of roots / & still hold onto the edge / to something resembling a whole //
please show me how to mourn / i don’t have the milk / to feed & water the dead / i am a painted
still life / stretched over borrowed light / beautiful fruit / legs that will not open / you won’t catch
me looking into a mirror / i can’t finger those familiar lines / all those paper bones // there is no
salt here / there is no air here either / just knuckles
& stars